Wednesday 1 April 2015

Blog Tour + Interview + Giveaway - Love, Lucy by April Lindner

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Love, Lucy by April Lindner
Publisher: Poppy
Release Date: January 27th 2015


While backpacking through Florence, Italy, during the summer before she heads off to college, Lucy Sommersworth finds herself falling in love with the culture, the architecture, the food...and Jesse Palladino, a handsome street musician. After a whirlwind romance, Lucy returns home, determined to move on from her "vacation flirtation." But just because summer is over doesn't mean Lucy and Jesse are over, too. 

In this coming-of-age romance, April Lindner perfectly captures the highs and lows of a summer love that might just be meant to last beyond the season.


When did you start writing? 

I’ve been writing (mostly poems and stories) ever since I could hold a pencil. My grandmother used to bring us office supplies home from work: fresh pads of lined paper and brand new pens that made me want to write whole novels—which I did. Then my third grade teacher, Mrs. Nichols, encouraged us to write and illustrate poems in our spare time, and I found myself churning out poem after poem for her. She bound up everybody’s submissions in a book that she kept on display in the classroom, and being “published” like that hooked me on the writing life for good. 

What makes you want to write? 

Three things never fail to inspire me: travel, live music, and reading classic literature. My love of the first inspired Love, Lucy. My fascination with the second and third inspired all three of my novels, retellings of classic Brit Lit novels that all feature guys who play guitar. 

Who is your favorite character in Love, Lucy? 

I’m especially fond of Lucy herself--her gusto for travel and acting, and her willingness to fling herself into life and love. It’s true she’s got flaws: she’s a total people pleaser, and as a result she finds herself making promises she ultimately can’t keep—not without being untrue to her nature. But don’t we all have flaws? 

How did you get the idea for Love, Lucy? 

Love, Lucy is a retelling of one of my favorite novels, E. M. Forster’s A Room With a View, about a sheltered British girl whose life is changed by a trip to Italy. Ever since the first time I backpacked solo through Europe, I’ve wanted to write about the adventures of an American backpacker in Italy. Writing a retelling of Forster’s novel gave me the perfect excuse.

What are your hobbies? 

You’ve probably guessed this already, but I love to travel. It’s more an obsession than a hobby! And of course I love to read—YA, memoir, literary fiction, poetry. Seeing live music is a huge passion of mine. And I love spending time with my dogs—Reuben, my dear old black lab/terrier mix and Nico, my winsome cockapoo. 

What is your favourite film? 

I can’t pick just one, especially since two of my favorite films just happen to play a big part in Love, Lucy. The 1985 Merchant/Ivory adaptation of A Room With a View, features a dream cast—the very young Helena Bonham-Carter, Maggie Smith, Daniel Day-Lewis—and also gorgeous Italian scenery and a swoonworthy romance. Seeing the film moved me to read the wonderful E. M. Forster novel on which it was based. And my other favorite film inspires Lucy to say yes to her father’s offer of a trip to Europe—the very romantic Roman Holiday, starring Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck. 

What is your favourite TV show? 

I just finished rewatching all of Gilmore Girls and I have a total yen to live in Stars Hollow. But my all-time favorite is probably Northern Exposure—also about a charming, surprisingly urbane small town full of deliciously quirky characters. I guess that’s my weakness—fantasy worlds that make reality seem a wee bit drab.


April Lindner is the author of three novels: Catherine, a modernization of Wuthering Heights; Jane, an update of Jane Eyre; and Love, Lucy, due out in January, 2015. She also has published two poetry collections, Skin and This Bed Our Bodies Shaped. She plays acoustic guitar badly, sees more rock concerts than she’d care to admit, travels whenever she can, cooks Italian food, and lavishes attention on her pets—two Labrador retriever mixes and two excitable guinea pigs. A professor of English at Saint Joseph’s University, April lives in Pennsylvania with her husband and two sons.


 Win (1) of (5) hardcopies of Love, Lucy by April Lindner (US Only)

Start: March 30th, 2015
End: April 7th, 2015

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