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Dancing to an Irish Reel by Claire Fullerton
Publication date: March 6th 2015
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult
Publication date: March 6th 2015
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult
On sabbatical from her job in the LA record business, twenty five year old Hailey Crossan takes a trip to Ireland for the vacation of a lifetime. What she finds is a job offer too good to turn down.
But her new life in Ireland comes with one major complication—Liam Hennessey. He’s a famous Irish musician whose entire live has revolved around performing. And Hailey falls in love with him. Because Liam’s not so sure love can fit into his life, he’s afraid to come closer, but neither can he bring himself to go away.
And so begins Hailey’s journey to a colorful land that changes her life, unites her with friends more colorful than the Irish landscape, and teaches her more about love than she’s ever known before.
But her new life in Ireland comes with one major complication—Liam Hennessey. He’s a famous Irish musician whose entire live has revolved around performing. And Hailey falls in love with him. Because Liam’s not so sure love can fit into his life, he’s afraid to come closer, but neither can he bring himself to go away.
And so begins Hailey’s journey to a colorful land that changes her life, unites her with friends more colorful than the Irish landscape, and teaches her more about love than she’s ever known before.
When did you start writing?
In my teenage years. I felt the need to keep a journal for some inexplicable reason, but I think now that during the teenage years, one likes to get a handle on themselves, and I can think of no more appropriate way to do this than to document one’s seething emotions as they experience the events of their life. The practice leads to clear thinking, and clear thinking when put into words leads to reliable vision, which assists self-confidence. I’ve always thought that when it comes to writers, most do not aspire to be one, they get in touch with the fact that they are.
What makes you want to write?
A desire to point out the beauty of the human experience. There are so many variables that go into the shaping of a life. I think they all have great meaning that can be told in stories, and stories can be shared so that people can see and understand themselves.
Do you ever get writer's block and what do you do to get over it?
I haven’t experienced writer’s block yet, only pauses as I search for the best words to convey meaning.
Do you have a special way of going about writing?
The only requirement for me is a closed door.
Do you have any works in progress?
Yes. I am 68,000 words into my third novel, which is a family saga, set in the Deep South that is all about cause and effect.
What are your hobbies?
I am a perpetual student of ballet. At one time I taught a combination ballet/Pilates mat class here in Malibu. I am no longer teaching, but I keep up with the practice. And my husband and I have two German shepherds who thrill me. They’re like living with exuberant little angels, and I think of them as works of art. We spent time daily taking them to the beach for a walk and basically entertaining them. Not necessarily a hobby, put a big part of my life.
How did you choose the character names for Dancing to an Irish Reel?
I chose the names I loved: Declan, Mick, Shannon, for the irish characters, and the narrator’s name as Hailey, because I have a brother named Haines.
Who is your favourite character in Dancing to an Irish Reel?
Mick Folan. He is Irish and bent towards viewing the world from a rather mystic vantage point. He connects with a bigger picture, and feels a responsibility for conducting himself with integrity. He is awestruck by Irish history, lives deep in the bog and stays connected to nature. He has one foot on the ground and the other amongst the stars.
How did you get the idea for Dancing to an Irish Reel?
From spending a year living on the western coast of Ireland. As an American, I found the culture and its people fascinating. The environment is breath-taking. So much is historically preserved. And I wanted to talk about the uncertainty of new love, the way it is exhilarating with its joy and hope, but fraught with ambiguity and confusion as two people endeavor to know each other. It can be a push and pull, like a dance, and rarely is it a linear path to happily ever after. I think it’s a common experience, so I wrote about an American outsider of sorts, a fish out of water who finds herself living in Ireland where so much is new and different. When she meets an Irish musician who is clearly attracted to her, a culture clash ensues that gave me the opportunity to depict Ireland from an American vantage point while talking about the unpredictable road to love.
What was your favourite part of writing Dancing to an Irish Reel?
Shaping the book. It was like fine-tuning a puzzle; weeding out the superfluous so that the story would clip along until it hummed without distraction. Once that was done, I turned an eye to the book’s language. I wanted it to be fluid and beautiful, so I basically went through the book line by line and infused it with a poetic cadence.
What are you currently reading?
Anne Rivers Siddon’s “Peachtree Road.” It’s an unusually verbose book written in what seems now as archaic, Southern prose. It is first person narrative and set in WWII. Very confessional in its interior monologue.
What is your favourite book?
Pat Conroy’s “The Prince of Tides.” It is a poignant story that tells about the sins of the family, if you will. Beautifully written, brilliantly crafted.
Who is your favourite author?
Pat Conroy! I love his prosaic language.
What is your favourite film?
“To Kill a Mockingbird” comes to mind. I love the poignant intensity of the story.
What is your favourite TV show?
“Inspector George Gently,” out of the UK. A mesmerizing crime/detective series set on location in 1960’s England. Brilliant storylines; brilliant acting!
Quick-fire questions:
Chocolate or ice cream? Chocolate.
Paperback or ebook? Paperback.
Dogs or cats? Dogs, although I have two dogs and an endearingly affectionate, demonstrative cat. I love them all equally!
Go out or stay in? I seek balance between the two.
Summer or winter? Winter. In California, it is simply cool and overcast, which suits my temperament completely.

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