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Quanta Rewind (The Shadow Ravens #4) by Lola Dodge
Genre: Dystopian Romance
Release Date: April 25th 2017
Ink Monster Publshing
With more and more Red Helixes turning up missing or dead, the Shadow Ravens are ready to take their fight to Doctor Nagi himself.
But breaking into Alpha Citadel is no cakewalk, and Quanta isn’t so sure about this whole “teamwork” thing.
If she and the Ravens can’t learn to work together, no amount of rewinding time will save them from the inevitable.
And if the Seligo win, everyone loses.
Genre: Dystopian Romance
Release Date: April 25th 2017
Ink Monster Publshing
With more and more Red Helixes turning up missing or dead, the Shadow Ravens are ready to take their fight to Doctor Nagi himself.
But breaking into Alpha Citadel is no cakewalk, and Quanta isn’t so sure about this whole “teamwork” thing.
If she and the Ravens can’t learn to work together, no amount of rewinding time will save them from the inevitable.
And if the Seligo win, everyone loses.
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Rewind Excerpt:
Dex’s voice boomed across the hangar.
groaned. He had to mess with us now?
over here,” Knight called. “Now.”
would jerk us around, but Knight? Nope.
brain clicked straight into action mode. “Emergency?”
find out.” Tair grabbed his glasses and tugged me to my wobbly feet. Together,
we booked it to mission control.
could tell it was bad from halfway across the hangar, but everyone stood
staring at the vid screen in horror instead of arming up. The hangar wasn’t
under attack. So what was happening? Tair and I sprinted so fast we were on top
of the group before the timeghosts could hint what I’d missed.
As soon as I spoke, the future twisted. My vision cut to pure blue as
timeghosts took over my head, flashing me a thousand death scenes at once.
Tair. Cipher. Knight. Devan. Dex. And me.
falling, screaming, bleeding.
gripped my temples hard and tried to shake free of the images, but they kept
hold, death after death after death. Whatever was set in motion, it wasn’t just
the six of us who’d suffer. Oliver. Mona. Lady Eva. Kiri and Aliya. More Shadow
was in danger.
Tair held me in his arms, and panic rang through his voice. “Quanta.”
gripped his T-shirt and rebuilt my mental walls. When the timeghosts
disappeared, I finally blinked back to the present, where I needed to finish
the question I’d started.
staggered out of Tair’s arms. “What just happened?”
sent… Just watch.” Knight only stepped away from Cipher long enough to cue up a
video file. Then he wrapped her back into his arms, whispering reassurances I
didn’t get to hear.
vid screen stole my breath away.
Nagi stared dead at us. He wore his dark hair slicked back the same as ever,
and his thin lips twisted in the cold, familiar smile that made me want to
throw up everything I’d ever eaten.
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