
Tuesday 2 December 2014

Review - Black Ice by Becca Fitzpatrick

Title: Black Ice
Author: Becca Fitzpatrick
Pages: 400
Publisher: Simon & Schuster for Young Readers
Release date: 7th October 2014

Blurb from Goodreads:

Britt Pheiffer has trained to backpack the Teton Range, but she isn't prepared when her ex-boyfriend, who still haunts her every thought, wants to join her. Before Britt can explore her feelings for Calvin, an unexpected blizzard forces her to seek shelter in a remote cabin, accepting the hospitality of its two very handsome occupants;but these men are fugitives, and they take her hostage.
Britt is forced to guide the men off the mountain, and knows she must stay alive long enough for Calvin to find her. The task is made even more complicated when Britt finds chilling evidence of a series of murders that have taken place there and in uncovering this, she may become the killer's next target.
But nothing is as it seems, and everyone is keeping secrets, including Mason, one of her kidnappers. His kindness is confusing Britt. Is he an enemy? Or an ally?

My Review:

*I received a copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thanks to Simon & Schuster UK Children's and NetGalley*

2.5/5 stars

Britt Pheiffer is going backpacking with her best friend Korbie. Unfortunately Calvin, Britt’s ex and Korbie's brother, is tagging along. Britt isn't over Calvin who cheated on her seven months ago and is secretly hoping to get back together with him.
Everything goes wrong when a snow storm hits and, unable to drive up the mountain roads, Britt and Korbie make their way through the snow trying to find shelter. They come across a cabin with two men who let them inside. There is more to Shaun and Mason than there seems and when things take a turn for the worse Britt is taken hostage.

After reading the blurb I was excited to read Black Ice, especially as I loved the Hush, Hush saga. I was, however, disappointed by Black Ice.
It took me a while to get into the storyline but I never connected with Britt. In fact I found her very annoying. At one point she's shocked that someone who she doesn't know knows her name when it was on her t-shirt! She also obsesses over whether or not she has feelings for/finds one of the people that took her hostage attractive when she should have been focusing on staying alive. Britt also goes on about how much she can trust Calvin. Hello! He cheated on you! You CAN'T trust him!

I had no idea why Britt was friends with Korbie who was horrible to her.
  I didn't find the storyline gripping or that surprising.

Overall this was an okay but disappointing read.

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