
Friday 26 December 2014

Blog Tour + Interview + Giveaway - Life AD 2: M.I.A.: Missing in Atman by Michelle E. Reed

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Title: Life AD 2: M.I.A.: Missing in Atman

Publication date: December 16, 2014

Publisher: Month9Books, LLC.

Author: Michelle E. Reed

Dez is finally hitting her afterlife stride. She hasn’t missed a meeting or session in forty-two days, and she’s put the adventures and danger of her first days at Atman behind her. Life after death is becoming tolerable, yet nothing is quite what she’d hoped. Confusion over her feelings for Charlie, residual resentment over losing Hannah, and a continuous stream of unwanted assignments leave Dez restless and argumentative.

In a missed encounter with Crosby, her prying gaze lands upon a single entry in the datebook on his unoccupied desk. These few, hastily scribbled words reveal an enormous secret he’s keeping from her. Possessed by a painful sense of betrayal, she once again sneaks off to Atman City, determined to find answers to an unresolved piece of her life.

It begins as all their adventures do, but as light falls into darkness, a stop in an unfamiliar neighborhood sets forth a chaotic series of events. Dez will have to fight for her very existence, and will face painful, irreparable loss in an afterlife teeming with demons wielding ancient powers.

In M.I.A.: Missing in Atman, the second book in the Atman City series, Michelle E. Reed continues the story of Dez Donnelly, pushing her to her limits and surprising readers at every twist and turn of the vast world that is Atman.

Death was only the beginning.

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When did you start writing? 

I came to writing a little later in life than most authors. I always wanted to write, but never really gave myself the chance until I was in my 30s. Life, A.D. (book one of the Atman City series) was the first novel I wrote. 

What makes you want to write? 

I always have ideas swirling around in my head, and writing has become a true passion. It makes me feel like I’m doing what I’m meant to when I write. Plus, all the characters in my head get cranky when I don’t tell their stories. Now that I’ve been published, it adds another dimension to the experience of writing—I know I have an audience waiting to read the continuing journey of the characters I’ve created. 

Do you ever get writer’s block and what do you do to get over it? 

I do. When I get writer’s block, the first thing I try to do is stop feeling sorry for myself. It can become a vicious cycle of wallowing and lack of production. The last bout I had, I decided to switch things up and write by hand instead of on a computer. Sounds crazy, but it worked! 


Do you have a special way of going about writing? 

It sounds crazy, but I have little conversations with my characters in my mind, and am forever asking them to tell me what happens next. 

Do you have any works in progress? 

Several, actually. Right now, I’m working hard on book three, the final installment in my Atman City series. I also have several projects on the back burner that I’m eager to get to once the series is done. 

What are your hobbies? 

I’m a huge movie buff. I love to read (of course), and spend as much time as I can volunteering at my son’s school. 

Who is your favourite character in Life, A.D.: MIA? 

Well, Dez is an obvious choice, I suppose. She’s my protagonist, so it would make sense to choose her, but I have so many characters I love dearly. If I had to pick one favorite, though…hmm…I might choose Bobby. He’s brilliant, kind, and such a sad story, stuck eighteen years and counting at Atman because he simply will not accept that there’s an afterlife.

But again, I love so many of them, it’s nearly impossible to pick just one. 

How did you get the idea for Life, A.D.: MIA? 

I was on a flight to Los Angeles in 2006 and listening to music, when a favorite song I’d heard many times before—Leave, by Barenaked Ladies—triggered the image of a crossroads where all souls would pass on their way to the afterlife. The sorrow and loss in the song, the haunting presence of a departed loved one who won’t just “leave” and allow him to grieve, made me think about what would happen to a soul unprepared for death. 

What was your favorite part about writing Life, A.D.: MIA? 

Seeing something I’d worked so hard on come to completion. It was an amazing sense of accomplishment to come up with this world and its inhabitants, and follow their journey. 

What are you currently reading? 

Just finished Chuck Wendig’s Blackbirds—brilliant! Next up, I might read an old favorite. Haven’t decided yet. 

What is your favourite book? 

Just one? That’s tough. Cat’s Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut would be pretty high on the list. 

Who is your favourite author? 

Kurt Vonnegut. And Shel Silverstein. And… 

What is your favourite film? 

That’s another tough one. The Station Agent. 

What is your favourite TV show? 

Currently airing: The Walking Dead
No longer on the air: Seinfeld 

Quick-fire questions: 

Chocolate or ice cream? Chocolate

Paperback or ebook? e-book

Dogs or cats? Dogs

Go out or stay in? Stay in. It’s cold outside!

Summer or winter? Summer.

About the Author

 Michelle was born in a small Midwestern town, to which she has returned to raise her own family. Her imagination and love of literature were fueled by a childhood of late nights, hidden under the covers and reading by flashlight. She is a passionate adoption advocate who lives in Wisconsin with her husband, son, and their yellow lab, Sully.

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