
Tuesday 16 December 2014

Blog Tour + Guest Post + Giveaway - The Night House by Rachel Tafoya

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Publication date: December 9, 2014

Publisher: Month9Books, LLC.

Author: Rachel Tafoya

Bianca St. Germain works at a Night House, a place where vampires like the aristocratic Jeremiah Archer, pay to feed on humans, and she doesn’t much care what others think of her. The money is good, and at least there, she’s safe. Bianca also doesn’t care that the Night House is killing her. All she cares about is: nauth, the highly addictive poison in vampire bites that brings a euphoria like no drug ever could.

But when Bianca meets James, a reclusive empath who feels everything she does, for the first time, she considers a life outside of the Night House and a someone worth living for. But Jeremiah has decided to keep Bianca for himself; he won’t allow her to walk away.

As she allows her feelings for James to grow, she struggles to contain nauth’s strong hold on her life. If they are to have a future, James must make her see what she’s worth, what she means to him, before Jeremiah and nauth claim her for good.

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Some Tips for Writers 

1. Read! There’s no better inspiration as a writer than reading an amazing story. I find that if I get into a rut, then I always try to find a book that I loved (or a movie or tv show or song) and then I remember why I liked it so much. It helps me to see the good parts of my own writing. Art is a polite form of stealing, and there is no shame in studying others’ work. 

2. Find a place to write. Sometimes when I feel like I’ve been chipping away at a stone block of a scene, I change locations in order to break myself out of a pattern. It can be stressful to write in a room full of people, but it can be equally discouraging to spend all your time alone in your room or office. Sometimes I feel more obligated to get something done when I’m in public, so I can look productive to other people! 

3. Chronology is nice but not necessary. I’m always tempted to write in chronological order, to keep things straight, but if you’re having trouble with something, skip it and come back later. It will be a little like a connect-the-dots, but that can be less daunting then a total blank page. 

4. Outlines are helpful. Speaking of connect-the-dots, that’s what outlines are. At the same time, they’re not set in stone. Don’t be afraid to trust your instincts. If there is a scene you want to write and it’s not on your outline, just write it and come back to it later. Open a separate document titled Deleted Scenes and keep it there.

5. Ask a lot of questions. My Google search history is very bizarre, and even if the information isn’t always super trustworthy, it’ll give you a place to start. If you don’t ask, then you won’t know. Of course, asking people for info is always good too. Speaking of the internet, baby-naming websites are you friends! 

6. Sometimes you have to force yourself to write. Writer’s block is the worst, but if you just write a few sentences, even ones that you don’t like, it might help you get to the ones that are good. There’s always the delete button handy if you need to start over. 

7. Real life can be just as inspiring as fictional life. Don’t forget to get out into the world and leave the writing behind for a little while. Sometimes it’s easy to spend hours on the laptop, but it’s not good for your body, and your mind needs stimulation from the outside world as well. 

8. Read your work aloud to yourself or others. You’ll catch a million style and grammar points you never knew were there. It’ll make your work better. 

9. Try not to worry too much about what other people will think of your work. Write for yourself. Your audience will come later. 

10. Have fun! If there is a scene, setting, character or story that excites you, than go for it. If you’re into it, someone else will be too.

About the Author

Rachel Tafoya studied creative writing while at Solebury School and was published in their student run literary magazine, SLAM. She attended a writing program for teens at both Susquehanna University and Denison University, and the Experimental Writing for Teens class and Novels for Young Writers program, both run by NY Times bestselling author, Jonathan Maberry. Rachel is the daughter crime author Dennis Tafoya.

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