
Sunday 7 September 2014

Review - The Rain by Virginia Bergin

Title: The Rain (The Rain, #1)
Author: Virginia Bergin
Pages: 384
Publisher: Macmillan Children's Books
Release date: 17th July 2014


It's in the rain...and just one drop will kill you.
They don't believe it at first. Crowded in Zach's kitchen, Ruby and the rest of the partygoers laugh at Zach's parents' frenzied push to get them all inside as it starts to drizzle. But then the radio comes on with the warning, "It's in the rain! It's fatal, it's contagious, and there's no cure."

Two weeks later, Ruby is alone. Anyone who's been touched by rain or washed their hands with tap water is dead. The only drinkable water is quickly running out. Ruby's only chance for survival is a treacherous hike across the country to find her father-if he's even still alive.

My Review:
*I received a copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thanks to Pan Macmillan and NetGalley*

2/5 stars

Ruby is at a friend's party when his parents arrive home yelling at them all to get inside. 
When they switch the radio on Ruby and her friends find out why - the rain is deadly and just one drop will kill you, as will tap water. 
Will Ruby survive?  

I didn't find Ruby to be a very likeable protagonist - she was quite vain and self-centred. 
She was also very lucky as most of the time when Ruby went outside she didn't think to check whether or not it was raining first. 
The plot was okay and I can understand that Ruby would want to go find her father (even though he lived hours away in London) but it wasn't a particularly safe idea, however after what had happened I probably wouldn't have wanted to stay at home either.

There weren't any characters that I really liked and the story didn't grip me.
I also thought that the ending was very abrupt and random.

Overall this was an okay book with an intriguing idea that could have been carried out better.

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