
Monday 14 April 2014

Review - Unbound (All Good Things, #1) by Georgia Bell

Title: Unbound (All Good Things, #1) 
Author: Georgia Bell

Pages: 287 pages

Release date: 2nd November 2013

Blurb from Goodreads:

 After her father dies, Rachel realizes she is scared and stuck. Scared of heights, of cars, of disasters harming the people she loves. Stuck in a life that is getting smaller by the minute. Stuck with a secret she has kept all her life: Someone has been watching over her since birth. Someone who tends to show up when she needs him the most. Someone she believes is her guardian angel.

Eaden is a 1,500-year-old immortal who wants to die. Drained by a life stretched too thin, he has requested his final reward – a mortal sacrifice bred specifically to bring him death. But something went wrong. Rachel’s ability to grant death has mutated in ways that threaten to upset the uneasy alliance between mortals and immortals. And utterly beguiled, Eaden discovers that although Rachel is the key to his death, because of her, he no longer wants to die. And he will do anything to protect her.

Swept into a world of legends, caught between the warring political factions of immortals, and carrying the future of mortal kind in her flesh and bone, Rachel must risk everything to save her world and the man she loves.

My Review:

*I received a copy of this book in exchange for a honest review. Thanks to Xpresso Book Tours and Georgia Bell*

2/5 stars

Rachel, a very shy young woman has been watched over by someone all her life, someone who always seems to be there when she needs him most.
Eaden is an immortal and Rachel is the key to his death.

This was a unique twist on immortals but despite that I found it boring and couldn’t connect with the storyline or the characters. 

Unfortunately this wasn’t for me.

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