
Monday 3 March 2014

Review - Relentless (Shattered Hearts, #1) by Cassia Leo

Title: Relentless (Shattered Hearts, #1)
Author: Cassia Leo
Pages: 232
Publisher: Random House UK, Transworld Publishers
Release date: 19th December 2013

Blurb from Goodreads:

Sometimes, letting someone into your heart is the bravest risk to take.
Claire Nixon is a twenty-year-old college dropout with a secret she'll never tell. Then she meets sexy Adam Parker. Claire knows the flirting is harmless, but guys like Adam mean trouble. Then a seemingly innocent comment spurs a bet between them: if Adam can get Claire to reveal the secret that made her leave her college and her life behind, she has to re-enroll.
Claire's sure she can win. She's perfected the art of forgetting her past. But she isn't prepared for Adam's relentless pursuit, and she's definitely not prepared when her first love, rock-star Chris Knight - and her heartbreaking secret ­- comes banging down her door.

My Review: 

*I received a copy of this book via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Thanks to Random House UK, Transworld Publishers and Cassia Leo*

3.5/5 stars

Claire Nixon has a big secret which is the reason she dropped out of college.
Claire spend her childhood in and out of foster homes as the result of her mother overdosing but she finally found a family that she fit with and she ended up falling in love with the son, Chris. In order to let Chris follow his dream of being a singer, Claire broke up with him and has been trying to fix her broken heart ever since.
Ten months later, Claire meets Adam Parker who is sexy, sweet and tells really bad jokes. The attraction between them is instant and Adam, who also has his own deep, dark secret, won't stop pursuing Claire until she's his.
But what will Claire do when her first love Chris reappears in her life?

I enjoyed this book.
It was interesting, attention-holding and I didn't guess Claire's secret. 
The characters were likeable and I loved how Claire and Adam interacted with each other.
A good read.

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