
Saturday 20 September 2014

Blog Tour + Interview + Giveaway - Crown of Ice by Vicki L. Weavil

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Title: Crown of Ice

Publication date: September 9, 2014

Publisher: Month9Books, LLC.

Author: Vicki L. Weavil

Thyra Winther’s seventeen, the Snow Queen, and immortal, but if she can’t reassemble a shattered enchanted mirror by her eighteenth birthday she’s doomed to spend eternity as a wraith.

Armed with magic granted by a ruthless wizard, Thyra schemes to survive with her mind and body intact. Unencumbered by kindness, she kidnaps local boy Kai Thorsen, whose mathematical skills rival her own. Two logical minds, Thyra calculates, are better than one. With time rapidly melting away she needs all the help she can steal.

A cruel lie ensnares Kai in her plan, but three missing mirror shards and Kai’s childhood friend, Gerda, present more formidable obstacles. Thyra’s willing to do anything – venture into uncharted lands, outwit sorcerers, or battle enchanted beasts — to reconstruct the mirror, yet her most dangerous adversary lies within her breast. Touched by the warmth of a wolf pup’s devotion and the fire of a young man’s desire, the thawing of Thyra’s frozen heart could be her ultimate undoing.

CROWN OF ICE is a YA Fantasy that reinvents Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Snow Queen” from the perspective of a young woman who discovers that the greatest threat to her survival may be her own humanity.

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About the Author

Vicki Lemp Weavil was raised in a farming community in Virginia, where her life was shaped by a wonderful family, the culture of the Blue Ridge Mountains, and an obsession with reading. Since obtaining her undergraduate degree in Theatre from the University of Virginia, she’s gone on to acquire two masters degrees, living in places as diverse as New York City and rural North Carolina. She’s currently the library director for a performing an visual arts university.  Vicki loves good writing in any genre, and has been known to read seven books in as many days. She enjoys travel, gardening, and the arts. Vicki lives in North Carolina with her husband, son, and some very spoiled cats.

Author Links: 

When did you start writing? 

I have been writing since I first realized marks on paper made stories, but for most of my life it was simply for my own amusement. I didn’t tend to share my stories, although I did win a few prizes for poetry in high school and college. Then, three years ago, I decided I needed to finish writing at least one novel, just to prove I could. That book was an adult science fiction novel—I completed the first draft in less than three months, then went on to write the sequel. Those manuscripts are “on the shelf” at the moment, but they did prove to me that I could complete a novel. CROWN OF ICE was my third completed manuscript. 

What makes you want to write? 

I have stories I want to tell, and ideas, feelings, and observations I want to share. My dream is that one of my books will touch at least one reader in the way so many wonderful books have touched my heart.
I also enjoy the process of writing (and even editing!) so I derive a lot of satisfaction from the work itself. 

Do you ever get writer's block and what do you do to get over it? 

I don’t get writer’s block, but I do tend to procrastinate if a project isn’t quite working. I’ve found I have to figure out why the story isn’t working, and correct that problem, before I can really dive back into working on the manuscript. 

Do you have a special way of going about writing? 

Not really. I get an idea and allow it to grow in my mind before I do anything else. Then I do some research, develop character profiles and background info., and create an outline. After the outline I just start banging out the first draft. 

What are your hobbies? 

Not surprisingly, reading is one! I also enjoy films, music (listening and singing), traveling, gardening, walking, cooking, and just hanging out with friends. 

How did you choose the character names for Crown of Ice? 

Well, Kai, Gerda, and Bae are names in the original story by H.C. Andersen. I used the Nordic Names Wiki to create some of the other names, as well as the last names. 

Do you have any works in progress? 

Yes, I’m working on a Young Adult novel that’s a contemporary with a paranormal twist.
I also have pending news about my completed Young Adult science fiction novel. (Book one in a trilogy). I will be announcing any news on my website, Twitter, and my other social media sites, so stay tuned! 

Who is your favourite character in Crown of Ice? 

Thyra Winther, my protagonist. She’s a damaged young woman who still retains a spark of humanity. Faced with a terrible fate, she fights to save herself, using her wits, talents, and determination. And she never whines! 

How did you get the idea for Crown of Ice? 

I wanted to write a Young Adult fantasy and was considering various concepts when I stumbled across a discussion online. Several agents and editors were talking about their interest in retellings of familiar stories from the villain’s point of view. This sparked my interest, and I considered my favorite fairy tales and folk tales with this concept in mind. One story I always loved was Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Snow Queen,” so I immediately decided to retell that story from the Snow Queen’s point of view. 

What was your favourite part of writing Crown of Ice? 

I loved honoring one of my favorite childhood tales while still exploring and developing my own take on the story. (By the way, there are specific references to the original “Snow Queen” sprinkled throughout CROWN OF ICE).

What are you currently reading? 

I just finished reading RUIN AND RISING by Leigh Bardugo. For my next book club get-together, I’m currently reading THE GOLDFINCH by Donna Tartt. 

What is your favourite book? 

Here it is, the impossible question! I used to read seven books in as many days, so I have read my way through a LOT of books over the years, and loved many of them. However, in the fantasy genre, one of my favorites is LITTLE, BIG by John Crowley. 

Who is your favourite author? 

Also a difficult question for me. I love so many, for many different reasons. I guess I’ll just choose one and say the late Dorothy Dunnett. 

What is your favourite film? 

Oh dear, I’m a film buff, so it’s tough to narrow this one down. I love classic films from the thirties and forties, as well as musicals and foreign films. A more recent film that deeply affected me was THE LIVES OF OTHERS. (Das Leben der Anderen, directed by Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck). I also love the Disney animated version of BEAUTY AND THE BEAST. 

What is your favourite TV show? 

One of my all-time favorite shows is FRINGE, which has completed its run. But I have all of the seasons on Blu-ray and can re-watch! 

Quick-fire questions: 

Chocolate or ice cream? Ice cream. 
Paperback or eBook? Paperback. 
Dogs or cats? Cats. 
Go out or stay in? Stay in. 
Summer or winter? Summer (ironically enough!)

Tour-wide giveaway
Open internationally 

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